The two most dreaded words "study and exam"
I don't know how these two words are able to give such an impact to anyone. I had never met anyone who really 'love' studying in my entire life. This whole thing about studying and sitting for exams is appaling to anyone I'd ever known. Even myself. what the heck is wrong with everyone by the way. Definitely it's the mentality thingy. It's always been set out in our minds by friends, parents or whatever that the whole thing about studying is dreadful that it has become such an ordeal to sit in a one or two hours lecture in one day. If only we'd not been fed with such mentality. yeah rite there's always good things people have to say about how important education is. But that's it. Just the importance of it instead of pointing out how wonderful and fun learning would be.
Although I'm saying about this thing as if I really 'fancy' and 'adore' studying, I'm sorry to say that I find it really really difficult to really love it. I hate it sometime to the breaking point that I just want to get on with life having nothing to do with it. But then what's the point of living if you don't learn coz that's the only way you can make the most of your life. Besides, how would you feel that you don't know even simple simple things that other people do. Maybe that's one major reasons people start getting real education coz they wanna catch up with other people in this fast moving world. That's that. Just to compete with each other and see who got the better of whom. And to get real job with 'real money'. You get education just to get a piece of paper to show to the interviewer in order for you to get a job to make money to feed yourself your family and go and have fun sometimes shopping or travelling. Yeah that's what's it's all about to some people.
For myelf, I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really have a vision or mission in life, tho I'm doing accounting course rite now. I really have no idea where my life would lead to. I never even dare to dream of being rich or wealthy or successful more than other people. Or more knowledgebale in a way that makes me more special than other people. I sorry for myself. I really do. I'm so scared to even think of how my future would turn out. I don't want to think much of it. But is that the right thing to do? I have no idea. When I bragged about this thing to my mum, how I'm so scared of being in uni, or working in the future she would say just do your best now and don't think much about the future. When the time comes, you would do just fine, coz rite now you're not in it. Well that does make a lot of sense, in a way. But it won't hurt sometimes to plan your life ahead. I mean, not that you have to plan your life for the next 10 years. Why don't we just start planning our life one week ahead. Yeah rite easier said than done isnt it. Been trying to do that but to no avail that I sometimes just let fate drive my life. No plan, no worries. Pretty short cut.
It's such a wonder sometimes when you look back in your life how fast the time passes by that you would wish to reverse and get back all the time you've missed to do something you should've done. Just like studying. I've had lots of regret before this about how I used to procrastinate and when the exam comes I couldn't do anything but panicking and regretting the time I'd wasted doing nothing. The dreadful feeling was beyond description. But still I didn't learn the lesson. I keep doing it over and over again without even recalling how I'd had regrets about it before. Was it just me or everyone?
I think this whole thing about exam and study doesn't stop there. Everything in life revolves around it. You don't just learn in school and get out of it not affected by what you'd learn. You'd be surprised how much it can help you when you're into the real world, and maybe maybe you would wish you'd done much much better in shcool or uni when you're facing the real life. I know I can't be relieved when I'd finished exams in school or uni coz the biggest one is waiting for me in the real world. I'm not so sure now if i really wanna get over with my study now coz then I gotta face bigger challenges and more dreadful facts of life out there. Hurm I'm sounding like I've been in it already and so experienced that I can have any say in this. In fact no. I'm just too scary to much and worry too much. You'll never know what the outcome would be, but never let it bother too much. Just like my mum says, just do your best for now, and you'll come out just fine in the end.
And no matter how how dreadful study and exam is in your life, maybe one should remember that's the only way you learn how to live your life and make the most of it. Enjoy your 'learning' while you can!
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