Monday, July 11, 2005

movin' out..finally

again..hopefully this fourth time of moving around would be the last time..i've had enuf of it..this place is really cool n the best ever..too excited about it last nite that i wasnt able to heck wif my sore back and's the first time for me to move out without thinking it as such an ordeal..but one thing! a lot of malaysian students here..not that i dont like em..just that soon this place is really gonna be 'the village' of the malaysian long as they mind their own business..that's abt it..been so long since i posted sumting..dont really have much to's one of the worst thing to have holiday and not having money to really enjoy it..not that u cant enjoy without money but still..not when ur really really short on cash that u gotta be confined in ur own house coz getting out means the gotta have cash...never mind i couldnt be bothered much coz i didnt feel like goin out n 'enjoy' tho. what does it mean to enjoy this holiday been spending most of my days all by myself, alone wif really not much to do but sleep..the worst part of it to say..but alhamdulillah been thinking bout stuff..good stuff..good plannings for my upcoming semester..yep dats what always do everytime new semester's coming tho in the end the outcome seems the same..but never to late to give up does it..well wif the coming of my new semester, i'm just hoping things would get better..wif myself, my friends and people..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blogsite
Link mine here please if you find it of benefit.

9:10 pm  

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