Monday, December 12, 2005


Erm tgh cuti skrg...around 4 months. ..sblm cuti mase nak exam bkn main lagi mcm2 idea dlm kepala nak buat ape..itu la ini la..ha bile dah cuti terus mati kutu mati akal taktau nak buat apa..dh dekat sebulan cuti and still tak buat banyak i realize bliss of being busy..

paling sedih asyik menghantar org kt airport after day sorang2 balikk....arghh cam kalau semua org tak balik kan bestt...keje dah la tak dapat..mula2 igt leh la gi kutip buah..erm dh xder rezeki nak wat cmne..lgpon bila pk summer yang panasss gilerr nih, maleh lak nak keje.nak dudukk je dlm bilik yg beraircond nih..hehe.hibernate time summer...

a few days ago ade la jugak gi satu ketam pon xdpt..yg dpt ketam kecik sekor, and ketam alien..adei takleh makan lepas balik..ntah mcmana ramai org lak mase tu..weekend. so kiteorg maleh nak tunggu lama2 kt jeti tu belah awal..pulang dengan hampa..
crabbing sambil makan2 pasta

pelik tul lagi banyak masa yg ade lg rase nak buang masa..byk jek buku2 nk go thorough tp still nk duk saja2 and then complain boring xder benda nk buat..what the..??? well that's just me..anyway kalau asyik bace buku jek cam of coz la bosan..sometimes i just dont feel like doing passive things..membace ni mungkin time nak tido ke...hehe

the weather is one thing...and money is another...yg my fren nih nk ajak wat mende selalu pk pasal duit..takleh nk salahkn pon..kenala aku yg boros jek..bile pk balik nk wat sumthing mesti kena gune duit..nothing is free..unless nk gi jogging or breeze walking which i dont feel like doing for now altho konon nk lose some weight..daaa..

the thing which i dont know whether i look forward to is my family coming here in late january...time tu kan peak summer..mesti panasssss giler2..sian laks dieorg nk jalan2 time cmni..kalau aku bior la xleh jalan yg penting xyah berpanas2..still dh plan so gotta go on with it...sian makk..igt nnti nk suh mak ajar menjahit..hehe tetibe jek rase minat..nk wat baju best jek kalau dpt tgk hasil sendiri..

my fren suggest nk polish skill memasak but then..the thot of eating is really god but the thot of cooking..adeii...cmne nk kawin nih huhu...maleh benor memasak..makan suka masak malas..kalau masak suka makan suka lagi dahsyat gak tu..hehe..

erm skang tgk mnecari idea gak nak buat benda yg menarik dan berfaedah skett...asyik tgk naruto dh abih dh pon xder dh nk tgk..maybe i'll make a review abt naruto someday..w/pon cm citer merapu but it gives me some sort of motivation beleive it or not. i dont care org nk pk ape pon.. i just love naruto..huhu..neway fatin u shud watch it...kla nak mencari sumthing nk wat for now....


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