Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wahai hati

Author: Midnite Cruiser

wahai hati...
sedarkah kau raja kepada diri
segala kau ingini diri hanya menuruti
hak atau batil adakah kau ketahui
segalanya akan kau bebani di akhir nanti

wahai hati...
walau seberat mana kehendak
kau terpaksa menidak
seandainya ia bukan suatu yang hak

wahai hati...
hadirmu sebagai pemikir
penggerak dan penentu yang zahir
sucimu umpama jernih air mengalir
pabila dirimu dipenuhi dicurahi zikir

wahai hati...
fitrah mu agung mengakui yang Esa
sedari azali dirimu tercipta
namun mengapa tatkala dirimu mengenal dunia
kau menjadi lupa dan alpa

wahai hati...
usah percaya pada pandangan itu
usah percaya pada pendengaran itu
usah percaya pada perasaan itu
andai segalanya dikaburi nafsu

wahai hati...
bersabarlah, berjuanglah
jangan sekali-kali kau mengalah
ketahuilah jalan ini menuju Allah
dukunglah bebananmu sebagai khalifah

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Unknown Author

Imagine yourself after you pass away
Imagine your grave through night and through day
Wishing that you did not do as they say
Wishing that you had got up and had prayed.

Imagine, my friends, the day that you died
Imagine all of the tears that they cried
Remember how it felt when your body was tied
Remember how it felt in the grave which you lied.

Imagine the day you'll be called to account
Imagine the sum to which your life will amount
Think for a moment of the deeds which you mount
Think for a moment how much they will count.

What will they say of you when you are dead?
What will they say, what will be said?
Will they speak of all the poor who you fed?
Will they remember all the Qu'ran that you read?

Think not of them, but of Allah, Lord of mankind and jinn
Think of Allah when tempted to sin
Think of the paradise which you will dwell in
Don't wait till later to think what might have been.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I run away from home

I run away from home
The walls of bricks and stones
Lifeless and cold
I wonder what kind of world
I run away from home
With glorious picture in my mind
Of things I dreamt would come
I run far away still
Seeing the beauty laid upon within reach
Right in front of me
Feelings running high
Until the illusion is broken with a sigh
It has yet to come
Soon it will
Be patient still
I run away from home
With droplets of pearls pooling my little palms
As it seems an endless time to come
Seeking ones that are yet to be found
As the heart keeps pushing
While the mind keeps refusing
Taunting and tormenting the heart to give in
Feeding the heart with the bliss of serenity
Of accepting the what so called destiny
I run away from home
Hopes running high
Even the heart refuses to sigh
Nor being swayed by the mind
Breaking the made up illusion that confines
The real me behind
I run away from home
With hopes finally fulfilled
Right before the heart almost gave in
But this is just the beginning
Of a journey that is never ending.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

darkness is part of my being

the light seems so far away
the closer i go the more it seems to fade
darkness has become apart of my being
images might not show
until the eyes have grown to not seeing
and the brain forgets how beautiful real colours seem
in a distance the light was dimming low
and darkness was replaced with a glorious glow
but the mind seems to resist
it is the fact that does exist
while the eyes blinded with the brightness
tho for a mere split of second
it rarely comes to shed some lights upon
as it does i still fail to notice the beauty belied to be seeing
as darkness has become part of my being
when it is the mind that is deceiving

I wouldn't even call this a poem...but there is something that makes me write this thing. I don't even know what I wrote...

Monday, August 15, 2005

unthinkable deception from this person!

my feeling rite now is just beyond description. i wouldn't have thought the phone call last nite would reveal something as outraging and unacceptable as it is. how could that person do such a thing?? all those innocent sympathetic stories told. i believed them all. how could i not?? who would lie about something like that?? gosh..maybe this is some sort of trial..thank you Allah for showing me the truth!after all this time..yep the truth is the truth..sooner or later the truth will show. but it is so unimaginable for someone as innocent as that to do such a thing, lie abt something as serious as that. who is that person? i don't know that person anymore. i dont even know what to believe anymore. nomore. never again. all those lies. it's a lesson i just learned. not to trust someone wholly. i know those lies didn't affect me profoundly physically but it totally changed my perception towards people. some people. anyone whom i'd just known. but i've known this person too long enough to not knowing there was something amiss in what this person told me. why why why??what is so profound that made this person act this way.. all these time this person was acting. a compliment!! i couldn't n wouldn't have thought it was all a lie. thanks to my other friend who's in the same boat as me. we were both deceived!!! are we that stupid or that person was really good. oh my goodness. alhamdulillah it has come to an end. i will never ever lay eyes or talk to that person anymore. all those time we were sympathetic and considerate and caring wasted on nothing but a deception! Ya Allah thanks for showing me the truth. i know that person did not do any harm towards us but Allah knows to what extent this person would go. well it's such a waste to even think of it anymore. so much for this distraction i didn't stay up last nite. i'd hate to think of it. i just wanted to brush this thing off my mind. no more conscience and pathetic pity towards this person. alhamdulillah at least i know this person lied abt those stuff and this person is not that unlucky..i'm just hoping this person would change and that all the lies made would not backfire to this person. i feel free now...alhamdulillah

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Assalamualaikum w.r.b. Baru balik dr swimming. Penat sangat. Tapi satu perasaan yang sgt best sebab rasa macam lemak2 berkurang sket. Cuma satu jer la ta tadi. bosan. kwn2 yang lain semua tak datang. cume due tiga org jer..semangat pon xder sgt. buat ikut dan aje. tapi alhamdlillah improving w/pon dah berbulan2 tak gi swimming. ade jer benda yg menghalang. entahlah tahun ni macam aku jadik malas tahap gaban. tak mcm tahun lepas. sejauh Payneham road pon aku sanggup cycle semata2 nak gi swimming. dah cycle swimming lagi and then cycle back home. hurm yg peliknyer exercise banyak tp berat tak kureng2 jugak thn lepas. ntah cmner sem 1 ni leh laks turun banyak. sbb mkn pon ikut dan aje dok hostel kan. tak payah nak pikir masak utk org lain, jadiknyer lebih kurang aje. pape pon lepas ni aku tak mau jadikan alasan tak exercise sesibuk mane pon. kan penting utk otak jugak. lain sbnrnyer bile rase fit n tak fit. lemah layu jer kalau lama tak exercise. erm kalau rajin kengkadang pegila jogging jugak and paling2 malas tak mau kuar umah wat aerobic jer la. paksa gak diri kalau tak jadik tong bergerak la aku. well entry ni xder banyak info nak dikongsi. cume nak melalut sendiri aje. aku bosan and penat and entah..segala macam perasaan yang tak best. entah. lately mcm tak stabil w/pon zahirnye org nmpak biasa jer. mungkin aku tgh berperang dgn perasaan sendiri about things. banyak benda yg aku pikir and pikir tp cam lg buntu. konpius. aku rase mcm dh clear aper yg aku nak. cume aku lum ader real drive toward mende tu yet..the drive is not strong enuf.. and the best way utk aku change myself for myself..nak buang sikap n tabiat lama yg mmg xkan bwk aku'll get me nowhere..where to start? that's the thing. and how? sometimes rase terkilan sbb diri ni tak sebagus org lain..dlm banyak benda..even towards myself.. rase mcm aku tak pernah treat diri sendiri fairly..kesian kt diri aku..hurm aiseh tu la bile penat sgt kengkadang trus emo and sensitive..pape pon aku doakan semoga Allah bg kekuatan kt diri aku dalam segala benda yang aku buat. dan harapnye dpt keredhaan dr Nya. ameen.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

pape entah..buhsan

hurm skrg tgh blank giler mmg xder idea gsung nak tulis maleh giler..xleh nak pikir dah..kepala pon asyik pusing jerr..erm nothing much happened..entah..xder benda yg menarik perhatian langsung nak dikongsi..erm maybe the way i'm viewing things now dh berubah ker..dah tak critical..neway when did i start being critical and observant..well slalu 'critic' org ader la..susah tul..err tadi call fatin mase kt uni..borak punyer borak sejam gak..what better way to pass the time anyway, and money of coz..mentang2 la baru masuk duit replenish arr everything..tapi this time kena jimat arr xmau lg jadik cam sblm ni hutang keliling pinggang..aiseh kecik2 dh banyak hutang...susah gak kalo jadik tabiat or habit..hancus2..erm basically bual ntah paper gak si dak fatin nih..huhu no offense yer fatin..skett2 yer arr abt stupid guyz.gurl's thing they say i say and maybe u say...fatin it's all in the mind when u really think of it..there's alwiz gonna be things that would give u distraction from ur real purpose or focus..rite??tu la kiter ni jgn ikut perasaan nanti diri sendiri yg suffer...we gotta be open minded abt things..destiny or fate or whatever u wanna call it, we have to accept things..face the real fact of is not a sin but it's actually a gift, not to be obsessed with but to cherish in the manner set out by the Allah..and there is no love that is greater than the love for Allah and from Him..the Truest, Purest, Greatest of a love one could have ever asked for...well talking abt love might sound jiwang to some ppl..but isn't it human nature to love and be loved by someone, be it family, friends or whomever else..u name it...i dont know anyone who could go on living without love..maybe that's not a life at all..after all...hurm mum i love u so much!!and also my frens..i love u guyz...